Body, Breath & Energy Training
March 6th, 2020
I co-created a Body, Breath and Energy Training workshop with David Raithby countless years ago.
Now with thirty-plus years of guiding hundreds (actually more likely over a thousand) people to open, expand and move forward in their lives with body, breath and energy work, I believe that for any genuine transformation to occur this work is crucial. It is vital for experiencing a genuinely wholesome, dynamic and healthy life. My conviction comes as much or more from my personal experience as it does from guiding and witnessing outcomes in others.
Oregon Grape, a plant species native to Gabriola Island.
Recent events have brought this all home to me more profoundly than ever before. Since my beloved son Scott died suddenly January 1, I have been in deep mourning. The nature of loss is that the rip in the psyche of a fresh loss opens a portal into the depths of our lineage of losses – the grief and mourning of a lifetime, extending through the lineage of generations that have gone before. I’ve been feeling that rip through every dimension of my being, including the expression through my body.
Our amazing human body is the home of our soul, the matter through which all dimensions of living flows. Breathing is the thread that ties together chi, life force – the mysterious and magnificent life force - that enlivens and interconnects our singular being with our soul, our experiences, our pains and joys, agonies and ecstasies, our stories, our emotions, our thoughts as well as with other people, with humanity, with our natural more-than-human world within this vast and mighty universe. When I think of the magnitude of what is being asked of our body to contend with throughout a lifetime, I am in awe.
Engaging through bodywork, breathwork, energy work is engaging with the most tender and the most mighty forces. This way of “being with” requires consciousness, knowledge, skill, courage and delicacy which can only ever be developed through experience.
Body, Breath & Energy Training is a unique group process that offers you the opportunity to gain that experience. We create the environment for you to address your essence, and the essence of others, in an incomparable way. The spirit of learning, up close and personal exploration, giving and receiving feedback, has proven over and over to be priceless for participants. Whether there for personal or professional purposes, most participants leave opened, vitalized, encouraged, more confident and at home to “be with” themselves and others through Body, Breath and Energy work.
Are you interested in Body, Breath & Energy? Request a workshop here.